Legal notices

Les présentes Conditions Générales ont pour objet de définir les modalités de mise à disposition des services du site, ci-après nommé « le Service » et les conditions d’utilisation du Service par l’Utilisateur

Tout accès et/ou Utilisation du site suppose l’acceptation et le respect de l’ensemble des termes des présentes Conditions et leur acceptation inconditionnelle. Dans le cas où l’Utilisateur ne souhaite pas accepter tout ou partie des présentes conditions générales, il lui est demandé de renoncer à tout usage du Service.


This site is published by SAS CHORUS,
1, rue du Bocage 33200 Bordeaux
RCS Bordeaux B 421 116 377
Publishing Director: Marc Osswald.

The site is hosted by :

SAS OVH SAS with a capital of 500 K€.
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011
Code APE 6202A
VAT NUMBER : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.


In application of the law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy, to report a litigious
content or if you are victim of a fraudulent use of the site, thank you to contact the administrator of the site at the address
of the editor or by means of the following form of contact : cli


Any information collected is never communicated to third parties.
Except in special cases, this information comes from the voluntary registration of an e-mail address provided by the
Internet user, allowing him to receive documentation, an estimate, a newsletter or to inquire about any point. You will find
more information in our data privacy policy.
In application of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, the Net surfer has a
right of access, of correction and suppression of the personal information relating to it stored which it can exert constantly
near the administrator using the following form of contact: cliquez-ici


The site may contain information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites.
Hypertext links to other sites or other external sources that have not been developed by PANO. PANO cannot be held
responsible for the behaviour of the target sites, which may be malicious.
More generally, the content made available on this site is provided for information purposes. It is up to the Internet user to
use this information with discernment. PANO cannot be held responsible for information, opinions and recommendations
formulated by third parties.


In application of [articles L. 111-1 and L. 123-1 of the Intellectual Property Code, all the contents of this site: texts, images,
videos and any media in general, except explicit mention to the contrary, are protected by the copyright. The reproduction,
even partial, of the contents of the pages of this site without prior written agreement is strictly forbidden.

Furthermore, all brand elements linked to Pano Sign’ Service are subject to a copyright registered before a bailiff. Any
unauthorized reproduction of these trademarks, logos and distinctive signs constitutes an infringement punishable by
criminal penalties. The offender is exposed to civil and criminal penalties, and in particular to the penalties provided for in
Articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photo credits : Pano Sign’ Service