
The best people to describe our network are our franchisees themselves.

That’s why we’re sharing some of their feedback with you, so you can get the opinions of entrepreneurs who have jumped into the signage business.


Cédric concessionnaire Clermont Ferrand

« The setting up of my agency with PANO has saved me 4 years because clients trust the brand ».

franchisee since 2013 in Clermont-Ferrand 

« Pano franchisee since 2011, I was very happy to sign on for another 9 years« 

PANO franchisee in Evreux

Didier Pano Antibes

«  In 20 years, the network has given me great self-confidence. I was never left on my own and I received a lot of support. If
I had to do it one more time, I would do it without any hesitation ! « 

PANO franchisee in Antibes since 1998

Jean Luc concessionnaire Pano Cluses

« I enjoy the customer contact with a truly commercial advisory relationship.« 

PANO franchisee in Cluses since 2017

Jérome Pano Valencienne

« PANO is a relevant, reassuring and structuring daily support « .

PANO franchisee in Valenciennes since 2018

Séverine et Rodolphe concessionnaires pano

 » The family spirit is very important to us. This is what we discovered in the PANO group. »

Séverine et Rodolphe
PANO multi-agency franchisees since 1998

concessionnaires PANO LENS

 » By joining PANO, we have gained 3 years of work and most importantly, we have direct access to a network of suppliers and very advantageous rates. »

Axel & Anthony
PANO franchisee in Lens since 2019

Damien Pano Arras

 » Thanks to Pano, I was able to start my own business and open my own agency in Arras. »

PANO franchisee in Arras since  2009

Fabien Pano La Rochelle

 » I joined the leader in signage to develop this market in La Rochelle because I regularly receive requests. « 

PANO franchisee in La Rochelle since 2019

Concessionnaire Saint-Malo

 » Thanks to PANO I was able to achieve my goal of working on my own. »

 PANO franchisee in Saint-Malo since 2009

Karim Pano Valence

« With PANO we have a lot of customers for subcontracting. The PANO headquarters brings us many national customers ».

PANO franchisee in Valence since 2016

Marc concessionnaire Pano Poitier

« PANO supported me during the whole process of opening the agency, it was very important for me ».

PANO franchisee in Poitiers since 2019

 » J’ai réussi à mettre en place une organisation où je ne suis pas indispensable. Mon affaire tourne sans ma présence continue et je peux profiter de la vie. « 

PANO franchisee in Rouen since 2009

« The corporate intranet is an efficient tool. It’s great to have a network that reacts quickly and very well through the forum ! « 

PANO  franchisee in Troyes since1998

« Thanks to PANO and the network, I am well supported in my daily business. It’s a magical feeling ! « 

PANO franchisee in Dakar since 2015

The PANO network has nearly 130 agencies in France and more than 20 abroad. You can find many testimonials from these our franchisees on our Youtube channel..

logo pano

The word franchise is used in the generic sense of the term, i.e. a business development model in an associated network based on a specific contract. The PANO concept is developed in the form of concession contracts with brand licensing.